A Life Unconventional: From Overcoming Obstacles to Empowering Others

My story isn’t your typical one. Born in the US to British parents, I spent my formative years in a small Portuguese village. My childhood, though unconventional, was full of adventure. My parents separated when I was just two, and I grew up with my mother and siblings.  Seeing my dad was a rare occurrence; I only met him twice before I turned sixteen. We struggled financially, but my mother’s resilience shaped my perspective on life.

Thrust into the melting pot of American culture at 16, I lived with a host family arranged by my high school coach.

This culture shock, initially jarring, became an unexpected turning point.

I found myself placed in advanced classes, treated differently, and – to my surprise – thriving academically, my dyslexia no longer defining me. 

I didn’t have any financial support so it was up to me to Juggling school, athletics, and a variety of odd jobs 

"My dyslexia no longer defining me"

Due to injury from structural imbalance in my body midway through my college career it came time to hang up my spikes, it triggered an unexpected identity crisis. Running had defined me for so long. Suddenly, without the grind of training and competition, I faced a daunting question: who was I without it? It was during this time that I transitioned from competing to coaching, finding immense satisfaction in guiding others. I even joined forces with my brother, assisting him with his personal training business. 

"Running had been my identity for so long. Who was I without it?"

"Running had been my identity for so long. Who was I without it?"

Due to injury from structural imbalance in my body midway through my college career it came time to hang up my spikes, it triggered an unexpected identity crisis. Running had defined me for so long. Suddenly, without the grind of training and competition, I faced a daunting question: who was I without it? It was during this time that I transitioned from competing to coaching, finding immense satisfaction in guiding others. I even joined forces with my brother, assisting him with his personal training business. 

"We possess untapped potential waiting to be unleashed"

My athletic hiatus didn’t last long, still a deeper yearning began to take root.

I stumbled upon expedition racing during this introspective time – grueling 500 to 1000-mile adventures through unforgiving terrain,

Expedition races became a feat for self-discovery.  

Witnessing firsthand how we set limitations for ourselves, both physically and mentally, fueled my desire to understand the mind-body connection.

These grueling adventures proved a powerful lesson: we often possess untapped potential waiting to be unleashed.

Through the sheer act of pushing past perceived limits, I learned that our greatest obstacles often reside within. 

"More than just physical training"

Early in my career, training celebrities in movies like Star Wars and Blade Runner 2049 solidified the importance of a holistic approach. My clients needed not just physical training, but mental and emotional support too.

This philosophy led to the creation of Altus, a wellness center co-founded with my brother. While initial years were challenging, we achieved incredible results, often lowering clients’ biological ages by an average of 10 years.

"My rigid perspective was shattered"

A former athlete, skeptical of “drugs,” I found myself at an Ayahuasca ceremony.

This transformative experience shattered my perspective, revealing the mind’s potential. It became a portal to shamanism.

Fueled by this,  I embarked on a remarkable journey. I connected with remote tribes and healers, drawn by their wisdom and ancestral practices. Living and learning alongside these diverse cultures fostered profound connections – connections that transcended language and defied easy explanation.

"The pandemic delivered a devastating blow"

The pandemic delivered a devastating blow. The closure of Altus, a venture I poured so much heart and soul into, triggered a powerful sense of loss. Dropping me again into the crisis of identity. It was probably the hardest thing I’d ever had to face.

This challenging time became a catalyst for profound personal growth. It propelled me deeper into the world of indigenous wellness practices and the power of the mind-body connection, areas of exploration that continue to fuel my journey.

I embarked on the challenging yet rewarding pursuit of a PhD in the field.

"True well-being transcended the physical, mental, and emotional"

These transformative journeys culminated in a profound realization: true well-being transcended the physical, mental, and emotional.

There existed an entire dimension beyond the grasp of traditional science, a realm hinted at by ancient wisdom traditions. While science slowly unravels the mysteries of this dimension through its own methods, it seems to lag behind these time-tested practices.

This revelation ignited a passion within me – a passion to bridge the gap between the mystical and the scientific. This unique perspective now fuels my teaching and informs my worldview. I strive to connect these seemingly disparate realms, fostering a more holistic understanding of well-being.

My purpose today

Today, my mission is to empower others to create lasting change in their lives. I help them not just get stronger, but overcome limiting beliefs and unlock their full potential and mental freedom.

Find Your Mental Freedom

Santa Monica, CA – USA